President of PSE: Europe needs a multi-commodity market and awareness of network constraints

During the Areopagus for Renewable Energy 2021 conference, organized by Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Efektywności im. prof. Krzysztof …


IEA: Photovoltaics will dominate energy investments

According to the latest forecast of the International Energy Agency (IEA), over the next few years, investments …


The full version of the “Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with an outlook until 2040” has been published

On December 7, the full version of the “Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with an outlook until …


The Chancellery of the Prime Minister checked and assessed the management of the ERO

As part of the planned audit, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister checked and assessed the management …


An amendment to the act on umbrella RES projects was initially prepared

During the meeting of the Committee on Energy, Climate and State Assets, Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska announced …


The Guarantees of Origin Register already has 1,000 members

The Guarantees of Origin Register, kept by the Polish Power Exchange, already has 1,000 members. Trading in …


Next year’s RES fee will be PLN 0.90 per MWh

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office has calculated the amount of next year’s RES fee to …


A regulation has been published that defines the rules of access to offshore zones for the construction of wind farms

A regulation was published in the Journal of Laws, specifying the rules of access to offshore zones …


The European Commission has approved the extension of the auction support system until the end of 2027

The European Commission has published a press release in which it announces the approval of the extension …


Senate committees recommended the rejection of the RES Act

On Thursday, during a joint meeting of the Committee on National Economy and Innovation, Extraordinary for Climate …


A special team will develop RES solutions for villages

The Minister of Agriculture, Henryk Kowalczyk, announced that a special team is working on energy solutions in …


An agreement was signed on cooperation for the development of biogas and biomethane production potential

Representatives of the government administration as well as the biogas and biomethane sectors signed an Agreement on …