The Guarantees of Origin Register already has 1,000 members

  • Reading time:1 mins read

The Guarantees of Origin Register, kept by the Polish Power Exchange, already has 1,000 members. Trading in them on the Polish stock exchange increased to a few TWh per month. They are part of climate policy and business strategies. It is a type of voluntary certificate that certifies the introduction of a certain amount of energy from a given source (usually RES) to the grid.

In Poland, guarantees of origin (each for 1 MWh) of energy from RES are issued by the President of the ERO, and their trade and redemption are carried out in the Guarantees of Origin Register (RGP) operated by TGE.

The number of members of the Guarantees of Origin Register has recently experienced a dynamic growth. This spring there were 850 of them, while at the beginning of 2019 – 650. In the case of monthly turnover, they recently exceeded 3 TWh.

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