IEA: Photovoltaics will dominate energy investments

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According to the latest forecast of the International Energy Agency (IEA), over the next few years, investments in new generation capacities in the electricity sector will be dominated by renewable energy sources, and this year, despite the rising prices of wind turbines or photovoltaic panels, global investments in RES will reach another level. record for new capacity growth. According to the IEA, thanks to the increase in these prices, the cost of purchasing onshore wind farms will return to the level of 2015, and the cost of investing in PV – three years ago.

According to the IEA, by 2026, the world’s installed capacity of renewable energy sources will increase by 60% compared to last year’s level and will reach 4.8 TW. In addition, in the years 2021-2026, the increase in power in renewable energy in the world is to be higher by half than the increase in power recorded in 2015-2020, and according to the assumptions, the share of photovoltaics in a given increase is to exceed 50%.

In the opinion of the IEA, despite forecasting such large increases in investments in renewable energy, it will not be enough to make it possible to achieve the goals of the Climate Agreement and achieve climate neutrality by the middle of this century.

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