The President of the Energy Regulatory Office announces the schedule of auctions for the sale of energy from renewable sources in 2023

In November, seven auctions will be held for new RES installations. This year’s auctions will start on ...


The level of the obligation to redeem certificates of origin – the position of the Association

Position of the Renewable Energy Association regarding the draft regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment ...


PEP 2040 pre-consultations – the position of the Association

The position of the Association of Renewable Energy as part of the pre-consultation process aimed at preparing ...


Public consultations – the level of the obligation to cancel green certificates

On June 27, a draft regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment was published on the ...


Senate’s amendments to the amendment to the Spatial Planning Act

Yesterday, i.e. on June 22, 2023, the plenary session of the Senate adopted the Act amending the ...


Appeal of SEO, PWEA and Konfederacja Lewiatan regarding the write-off for the Fund

The Renewable Energy Association, the Polish Wind Energy Association and the Lewiatan Confederation sent a common position ...


Further decisions on the location of offshore wind farms

The Ministry of Infrastructure has published all the results of the conclusive proceedings regarding the granting of ...


PSE: meeting on financial compensation for non-market redispatch of PV installations

PSE invites on June 1, 2023 at 11:00 for an information meeting, during which the rules for ...

INFORMACJE The government reaches deeper for money from the sale of green energy

According to the website, the self-amendment to the government’s draft amendment to the energy law introduces ...


Position on the self-amendment to the draft amendment to the Energy Law on changing the method of calculating the contribution to the Fund

Renewable Energy Association’s position on self-amendment to the Act amending the Energy Law Act and the Act on ...


The special act on investing in ESP is the subject of a political dispute

According to the website, in mid-April, during the third reading, the Sejm passed a government draft ...


Summary of ERO activities in 2022

The past year was exceptional for the sector regulator in many areas, but also difficult. Due to ...