Amendment to the act on maritime safety and the act on maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and maritime administration in the Journal of Laws

The act of 7 July 2022 amending the act on maritime safety and the act on maritime …


Amendment of the offshore beauty contest regulation in the Journal of Laws

The Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of July 29, 2022 amending the regulation on the evaluation …


Regulation on the level of the obligation to redeem green certificates in the Journal of Laws

Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of 13 July 2022 on the change in the …


The president signed an amendment to the maritime safety act

The President’s Chancellery published a communiqué according to which the President signed the Act of July 7, …


Senate draft amendment to the 10h Act addressed to the Sejm

As we informed earlier, the Senate started work on the draft act amending the act on investments …


The procedure of the amendment to the act on investments in the Sejm has been postponed to September

Today, on July 20, 2022, in the morning, a meeting of the Presidium of the Sejm took …


Senate draft amendment to liberalize the 10h rule

In the Senate, the draft act amending the act on investments in wind farms and certain other …


Updated version of the draft regulation on the level of the obligation to redeem the GCs

As we informed earlier, in accordance with the reference published at the end of June to the …


Updated version of the draft amendment to the act on investments in wind farms in the Sejm

An updated version of the draft act amending the act on investments in wind farms and certain …


European Parliament: nuclear and gas remain in the taxonomy

The European Commission’s proposal to include nuclear energy and natural gas in the EU taxonomy was approved …


The Sejm adopted the Senate’s amendments to the amendment on the certification of wind farms

The Sejm adopted the Senate amendments to the act on maritime safety and the act on maritime …


The Council of Ministers has adopted a draft amendment to Act 10h

On July 5, 2022 meeting, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft amendment to the act on …