New document in the process of connecting to the network

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From July 1 this year. a new document will apply in the process of connecting generation sources to the power grid. A new pattern will be introduced declaration of conformity. This is to harmonize documentation requirements in relation to investor relations with individual network operators.

New version of the document “Conditions and procedures for using certificates in the process of connecting power generating modules to power networks”. It was developed in accordance with the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code regarding the requirements for connecting generating units to the network (NC RfG).

On April 27, 2019, new procedures for connecting generation units, including renewable energy sources, entered into force. This change resulted from the need to implement the EU provisions contained in the above regulation. The EU NC RfG Regulation imposed on network operators from European Union countries the obligation to implement new procedures for connection to the power grid, testing and issuing of operating permits for type A, B, C and D generating units.

Production units:

  • Group A – generating units with a capacity from 0.8 kW to 200 kW,
  • Group B – sources with a capacity of 200 kW – 10 MW,
  • Group C – sources with a capacity of 10 MW – 75 MW,
  • Group D – sources with a capacity of over 75 MW.

The purpose of further changes, which will become effective from tomorrow, is to unify the certificate templates in the process of connecting to the networks belonging to operators associated in the Polish Society of Transmission and Distribution of Electricity: Enea Operator, Energa-Operator, innogy Stoen Operator, PGE Dystrybucja, Tauron Dystrybucja and PSE.

The new version of the document “Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generating modules to electricity networks” introduces from July 1 a model declaration of compliance, the use of which was allowed in place of certificates during the transitional period to last until April 27, 2021. In other substantive scope the document has changed.

Conditions and procedures

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