Amendment to the distance act in the list of works of the Council of Ministers

The draft act amending the act on investments in wind farms and some other acts has been …


The amendment to the distance act will be added to the list of works of the Council of Ministers

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, the application for entry into …


PSE: as of March 1, 2021, the installed capacity of photovoltaics in Poland was 4,216.3 MW

According to the data provided to PSE, as of March 1, 2021, the installed capacity of photovoltaics …


The government plans to allocate EUR 3 billion from NRP for the development of wind energy

Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, Waldemar Buda, announced that the government plans to allocate EUR …


Senate committees have supported the project to pay compensation to municipalities for changing the taxation of windmills

On Tuesday, April 13, Senate committees supported the bill, thanks to which municipalities will receive compensation for …


New information on the Distance Act

According to the information provided on April 13 this year by Anna Kornecka, deputy minister of development, …


The Sejm adopted an amendment to the Energy Law

Sejm on Thursday, April 15 this year, adopted a draft act amending the Energy Law and certain …


The Council of Ministers adopted the draft amendment to the RES Act

During today’s meeting, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft act amending the act on renewable energy …


TGE summary in March 2021

March saw a record volume of trading in guarantees of origin for electricity generated in RES, amounting …


NCBR and NFOŚiGW signed an agreement on cooperation for the development of green technologies

On Thursday, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the National Center for Research …


The President of the Energy Regulatory Office considered the first applications under the first phase of support

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office issued the first three decisions on applications for granting the …


Schedule of the RES auctions in 2021

According to the announcement of the Energy Regulatory Office, the published schedule has been agreed with the …