Marking of aviation obstacles

In response to the questions and doubts raised regarding the way of marking wind farms after the …


Mostostal Warszawa is planning factories and an offshore terminal

Mostostal Warszawa plans to build a factory for PLN 100 million. He indicates Gdynia as the location, …


Corporate Green Energy Purchase Agreements (cPPA) more and more popular in Europe, but not in Poland

Corporate Green Energy Purchase Agreements (cPPAs) are becoming increasingly popular. These are contracts concluded by electricity consumers …


ERO: an auction for the cogeneration bonus will be held in June

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office announced an auction for new and significantly modernized cogeneration units …


ERO: We expect a very high interest in RES auctions this year

According to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, Rafał Gawin, URE expects a very high interest …


Conclusions and recommendations regarding the development of the green bond market in Poland this year

Katarzyna Szwarc, the plenipotentiary of the Minister of Finance for capital market development strategy, announced that conclusions …


Most funds from KPO for energy transformation, as well as green and intelligent transport

On April 27, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft law on the ratification of the European …


Orsted and the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. signed a letter of intent regarding cooperation

On Wednesday, April 21 this year, Orsted and the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. signed a letter …


The government plans to modify and extend the current model of the prosumer system

Ireneusz Zyska, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, replied to a parliamentary question. According to the deputy …


An agreement was concluded on the EU’s climate goals

On Wednesday, April 21, an agreement was concluded in Brussels on the EU’s climate goals for 2030 …


ERO announces eight ordinary auctions for the sale of energy from renewable sources

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office published announcements regarding all auctions for the sale of electricity …


The regulation on the reference price in this year’s auctions comes into force

Yesterday, April 19, the Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of April 16, 2021 on …