Hofman from MRiT: Decisions on further work on 10h liberalization in next days

According to the portal, the issues of further stages of work on the draft amendment to ...


Ministry of Climate and Environment: Sandbox projects should bring tangible benefits to the energy transition

In a statement on Friday, the Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiŚ) explained that “a regulatory sandbox ...


In 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Poland dropped to 373.68 thousand. kt eq. CO2

According to the deputy minister of climate and environment, Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, according to the approximate greenhouse gas ...


In July this year electricity production increased by 16.3%

According to the Central Statistical Office, electricity production in July this year increased by 16.3% y / ...


The Polish Electricity Association called for the release of electricity prices for households

The Polish Electricity Committee, which associates state-owned energy companies, called for the release of electricity prices for ...


New requirements for connecting RES

Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/631 of April 14, 2016 established a network code on the requirements for connecting ...


The regulation of the Ministry of Climate and Environment regarding the level of the obligation to redeem certificates of origin for 2022 has been published

“Regulation on the change of the quantitative share of the sum of electricity resulting from redeemed certificates ...


The President of the Energy Regulatory Office published a report on the conditions for undertaking and conducting business activity in the Polish energy and gaseous fuels sector and the status of implementation of development plans by the operators of both systems

The raport presents and assesses the conditions for starting and conducting business activities in 2019-2020 in the ...


The Supreme Audit Office positively assessed the activities of the President of the ERO in the field of identifying and lifting restrictions on the development of renewable energy sources in Poland

The Supreme Audit Office assessed the activities of the President of the ERO regarding the identification and ...


The draft act on the Energy Transformation Fund will probably be adopted in the fourth quarter of this year

The Ministry of Climate and Environment is preparing an amendment to the Environmental Protection Law and the ...


The Ministry of Climate and Environment published the Final Report on the evaluation of the functioning of the auction system

The Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, commissioned by the Ministry ...


From September, PSE consultations on the construction of a transmission network for offshore wind farms in Pomerania will resume

This year, PSE started a consultation process on the planned activities related to power stations, addressed to ...