The Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment expects to meet the target of 15% RES share for Poland for 2020

During the talks at the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Ireneusz Zyska, …


The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is working on new funding programs for collective energy storage

The plans of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management include the use of huge …


The President of the Energy Regulatory Office announces the creation of a special team that will deal with the definition of a long-term regulatory policy for the grid sector

According to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office – Rafał Gawin – a special team was …


The Senate wishes to amend the amendment to the Act on Renewable Energy Sources

Last Thursday, the Senate voted to amend the act on renewable energy sources. The resolution and amendments …


A team for the development of technologies for the capture, storage and use of CO2 was established

As stated in the ordinance, the Minister of Climate decided to appoint a team for the development …


The Ministry of Climate and Environment is finalizing work on the draft Polish Hydrogen Strategy

The main topic of the conference, which took place on August 30, 2021, was the role of …


According to Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska, an offshore sector agreement will be signed in mid-September

As Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Ireneusz Zyska informed, on September 15 a sector agreement for …


The Ministry of Climate and Environment is planning more auctions for renewable energy sources in 2021

Until recently, the Ministry of Climate and Environment informed that this year there are no plans for …


Hofman from MRiT: Decisions on further work on 10h liberalization in next days

According to the portal, the issues of further stages of work on the draft amendment to …


Ministry of Climate and Environment: Sandbox projects should bring tangible benefits to the energy transition

In a statement on Friday, the Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiŚ) explained that “a regulatory sandbox …


In 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Poland dropped to 373.68 thousand. kt eq. CO2

According to the deputy minister of climate and environment, Adam Guibourgé-Czetwertyński, according to the approximate greenhouse gas …


In July this year electricity production increased by 16.3%

According to the Central Statistical Office, electricity production in July this year increased by 16.3% y / …