Fighting wind farms: politically unprofitable and costly for Poles

For almost three months now, the government’s draft amendment to the so-called distance act is in Sejm …


The direct line regulations return to the UC 74 draft

On September 27, 2022, the updated version of the draft act amending the act – Energy Law …


New rules for determining the price of energy on the balancing market

The Ministry of Climate and Environment changed the rules for setting prices in offers on the balancing …


The Sejm passed the act on freezing electricity tariffs

The Sejm adopted an act on special solutions to protect electricity consumers in 2023 in connection with …


The Sejm adopted an act providing for the abolition of the stock exchange obligation

On September 29, 2022, the Sejm passed the act amending the act – Energy Law and the …

INFORMACJE There is no climate in PiS for the release of wind energy

According to the portal, citing sources in the government, no work will be undertaken in the …


PSE introduces a period of danger

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne has announced the threat period, which will occur on Friday, September 23, 2022 between …


MRiT is developing regulations on the direct line

The Ministry of Development and Technology wants to implement the facilitation in the construction of direct lines, …


Energy-intensive companies will receive PLN 17.4 billion

The Council of Ministers has adopted a bill, which provides that the government will allocate a total …


New division of responsibilities in the Ministry of Climate and Environment

According to the ordinance published in the Official Journal of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Anna …


Towarowa Giełda Energii introduces new indexes for the renewable energy sector

As the Towarowa Giełda Energii (TGE) informs in the published announcement, TGE introduces two new monthly indices …


The government’s plan for the time of the energy crisis

The government presented a concept of activities that are to be a response to the expected large …