Change in the project assumptions specifying the level of the obligation to redeem the GC in 2023.

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As follows from the reference to the comments submitted as part of public consultations on the draft ordinance of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the change in the quantitative share of the sum of electricity resulting from redeemed certificates of origin confirming electricity generation from renewable energy sources in 2023, the ministry plans to increase this parameter from the originally planned 10% to 12%.

We would like to remind you that according to the wording of the draft addressed to public consultations in March this year, the level of the obligation to redeem green certificates was to be reduced from the current (2022) 18.5% to 10% for 2023. Today on the website of the Government Legislation Center published there is a table with reference to comments submitted as part of the public consultation, according to which:

In relation to the year 2022, the level of the obligation for the so-called green certificates for 2023 was reduced from 18.5% to 12%.

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