Work on the Prosument-Based Package is ongoing

  • Reading time:2 mins read

On 5 June this year, the website of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology published a communication on the so-called prosumer package, thanks to which entrepreneurs will be able to produce energy for their own needs and settle their surpluses in a favourable system of discounts.

The project has already been approved by the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and is awaiting consideration by the government. Until now, entrepreneurs could not be prosumers and thus use solutions that are more and more willingly and boldly used by households.

The so-called prosumer package provides, among other things, for:

– Introduce a new definition of „renewable energy prospectus” and extend it to entrepreneurs for whom power generation is not the predominant business activity. The Prospectus will be able to generate electricity in a microinstallation (power up to 50kW).

– Including the prosumers defined in this way in the system of discounts. This will give them the opportunity to generate electricity for their own needs. The surpluses will be able to „store” in the electricity network of energy operators and then collect them to meet their energy needs.

– Settlement of energy in longer billing cycles, which will enable the use of energy produced by the company in periods of lower production, which does not meet the needs of entrepreneurs.

– Obligation of the Minister for Energy and the Minister for Economy to issue, in an agreement, an executive regulation specifying detailed rules and procedures for connecting microinstallations belonging to prospectuses to the network, as well as the scope and rules of balancing and settlements with prospectuses.

– Resignation from the obligation to prepare a construction design for the smallest microinstallations up to 6,5 kW.

– Introducing the possibility of locating microinstallations in areas which in local plans are intended for purposes other than production.
