The Council of Ministers adopted a draft act amending the act on electromobility and alternative fuels

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The Council of Ministers adopted a draft act amending the act on electromobility and alternative fuels. The new solutions are to facilitate and accelerate the development of the Polish market of vehicles with alternative drives and to adapt Polish law to the European Union regulations in the field of promotion of low- and zero-emission road transport.

The regulations adopted by the Council of Ministers are to define the rules for the installation of energy consumption points in multi-family buildings. According to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the current regulations do not provide sufficient facilities for the installation of charging points located in such buildings.

The new regulations are to facilitate the installation of electric car charging points at the request of residents of a given building. Thanks to this, people interested in purchasing such a vehicle will be able to charge it at their place of residence. Thanks to the new regulations, the process of launching new charging stations will also be facilitated and the definition will be made more precise.

After the adoption of the draft amendment to the act on electromobility, it will be referred to the Sejm. The new regulations are to enter into force 14 days after their publication in the Journal of Laws, with the exception of some regulations that will come into force on other dates.

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