The Council of Ministers has adopted a draft amendment to Act 10h

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On July 5, 2022 meeting, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft amendment to the act on investments in wind farms and certain other acts (UD207).

Now the draft will be submitted to parliamentary works. The next Sejm session will be held on July 20-22. The date of commencement of work on this draft in the Sejm is not known yet.

On the same day, on the website of the Government Legislation Center, a document summarizing the course of the Legal Committee meeting on the draft amendment to the Act on Investments was published.

Pursuant to this document, a number of substantive changes have been introduced, but the updated version of the project has not yet been published, so their detailed scope is difficult to verify.

One of the indicated changes, however, is particularly important in the context of the issue of adopting local plans by nearby communes, in accordance with the current content of the project, within 10h distance from the planned wind farm.

“Additionally, the representatives of the Applicant informed that they would clarify the wording of Art. 1 point 11 of the draft (Art. 7 (3) of the amended act), indicating the absolute value of 500 meters as a distance that affects the obligation to prepare a local spatial development plan by a nearby commune. “