Amendment to Act 10h with the amendments of the Senate

  • Reading time:2 mins read

February 22, 2023, the plenary session of the Senate considered the Act amending the Act on investments in wind farms and certain other acts (Senate Paper No. 920). During the session, Senator Stanisław Gawłowski, on behalf of a group of senators, submitted another amendment to the act (the amendments submitted on February 20 are available in the Senate Paper No. 920 A) which introduces the possibility for property owners located less than 500 or 700 meters respectively from the planned wind farm to consent to the location of such a wind farm. Expressing the consent in question would result in the owners of such properties obtaining benefits in the form of the possibility of purchasing electricity without the need to pay the capacity, distribution, RES and cogeneration fees, which would be borne by the investor. The amendment was criticized by Minister Zyska, who represented the government at the plenary session.

The above amendment and the amendments submitted earlier, i.e. providing for the restoration of the minimum distance of 500 meters and the modification of the transitional provisions of the Act so that the local plans in force on the date of entry into force of the Investment Act were not covered by the location requirements provided for in the Act, were finally adopted by Senate and will be considered by the Sejm.

All amendments adopted by the Senate are available here.

The next sitting of the Sejm is scheduled for 7, 8 and 9 March 2023.