Ministry of Development – a proposal to change the principles of constructing wind farms

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Development Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz announced an amendment to the regulations prohibiting the construction of wind farms at a distance from residential buildings and protected areas closer than corresponding to 10 times the height of the wind farm.

The Minister of Development informs that it is being considered to allow the construction of wind farms in a closer distance in municipalities whose residents agree to this. The issue to be resolved is the minimum distance wind farms can be introduced in such a situation. Minister Emilewicz points out that he receives signals from many municipalities in Poland who want wind farms to be built on their territory and where there is social acceptance for such investments.

At the beginning of 2020, Jadwiga Emilewicz announced that the draft act on regulatory changes for onshore wind energy would be ready by the first half of this year, followed by extensive public consultations, and the actual date of entry into force of the new act is 1 January 2021.

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