The Ministry of Climate and Environment continues work on the draft amendment to the Distance Act

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At the request of Minister Anna Moskwa, the draft amendment to the act of 20 May 2016 on investments in wind farms was submitted to the Ministry of Climate and Environment in order to continue legislative work. The Government Plenipotentiary for RES, Ireneusz Zyska, will be responsible for their finalization.

After the change of the project host, works and analyzes are underway to quickly submit the project for consideration by the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers.

Making the so-called flexible The 10H principle is crucial for the further development of onshore wind technology and the possibility of using cheap energy for industry. The new proposals are aimed at modifying the regulations that will allow for the implementation of new investments in the field of erecting wind farms. Presented in March this year. The assumptions for the update of the Polish Energy Policy until 2040 provide for further development of renewable energy sources and dynamics in all sectors, which, with increased ambitions, may mean reaching 50 GW of installed capacity in renewable sources as early as 2030.

The problematic act not only blocked the development of a cheap source of green energy, but also complicated the construction of houses and buildings in the vicinity of the windmills.

According to the proposal, the 10H rule will be maintained, but at the same time local governments wishing to install windmills on their areas will have the option of doing so after additional consultations with the local community and maintaining a minimum distance of 500 m from the buildings. The basic principle of locating a new wind farm will be maintained solely on the basis of the Local Spatial Development Plan (Local Development Plan).
