ERO: rules for extending the deadlines for meeting obligations in the auction system and FIT / FIP systems

The Energy Regulatory Office published a communiqué in which it reminds of the possibility of extending the …


Comments on draft ordinance of the Minister of Climate regarding prosumer renewable energy

May 15 this year on the website of the Government Legislation Center a draft Regulation of the …


Amendment of the RES Act in the field of energy wood

On the pages of the Government Legislation Center a draft act was amended to amend the act …


Amendment on financing the IPA platform from RES fee

At the meeting of the Sejm Public Finance Committee, which was held on June 3 this year, …


European Investment Bank – transformation of coal regions

As part of the Fair Transformation Fund, the European Investment Bank will finance projects whose largest beneficiary …


Act on the promotion of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration – UOKiK’s position

As the Energy Regulatory Office informed: The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection formulated a position regarding …


The Ministry of Development will commission a wind farm impact analysis

On May 28, the Ministry of Development (Department of Innovation) published an announcement regarding the possibility of …


Transmission System Development Plan for 2021-2030 approved by the Energy Regulatory Office

According to information provided by the Polish Power Grids: The President of ERO approved the “Development plan …


Decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the Distance Act

The Court of Justice of the European Union answered the questions for a preliminary ruling in the …


Over PLN 13 billion to support high-efficiency cogeneration in 2020

May 26 the Ordinance of the Minister of Climate of May 5, 2020 amending the ordinance on …


Eco Journalist – a competition organized by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

According to the information published on the website of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water …


Establishment of the European Institute of Just Energy Transformation

According to information obtained by the editors of the portal – Deputy Minister of Climate and …