The regulation on the RES auction in 2021 in the third quarter of this year.

The list of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers includes a draft regulation of …


New regulations on wind farms by the end of 2020

As the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz announced – by the end of …


Extension of the deadline for achieving the RES target for 2020

As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz points out – The EU target of …


Letter of intent of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding the construction of a biogas plant

The Ministry of Agriculture signed a letter of intent on the construction of 20 agricultural biogas plants …


Draft act amending the act on the capacity market

July 28 this year on the website of the Government Legislation Center, a draft amendment to the …


Draft regulation of the Minister of Climate under the National Green Investment Scheme

July 27 this year on the website of the Government Legislation Center has been published Draft ordinance …


The Sejm supports the liquidation of the Low-Emission Transport Fund and the change of the starting date of the capacity market fee

The amendment to the act on biocomponents and liquid biofuels and some other acts adopted today, i.e. …


Government Plenipotentiary for Hydrogen Economy

The ordinance of 24 July 2020 on the establishment of the Government Plenipotentiary for the hydrogen economy …


Draft act amending the act on the fuel quality monitoring and scrutinizing system

Today, on July 24 this year. the draft act amending the act on the fuel quality monitoring …


The government is working on regulations for energy storage

According to the, the Ministry of Climate has developed new solutions to remove legal barriers to …


EC: public consultations of “EU strategy on offshore renewable energy”

The revised Commission Work Programme confirmed that a European offshore renewable energy strategy would be published before …


TK: retroactive changes in the taxation of wind farms unconstitutional

According to the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of July 22, 2020, the regulations that introduced changes …