ACER assess: the integration of wholesale electricity markets in the EU is progressing, but cross-border capacities are limited

In its report on the situation on the energy markets in the European Union, ACER points out, …


The second part of the “Clean Air” 2.0 program is launched

On October 21, the application process for the second part of the Clean Air program, prepared for …


The Polish Monitor has published the Polish nuclear energy program

The Polish Monitor published a resolution on updating the multi-annual program under the name “Polish nuclear energy …


The office of the Minister for European Union issues legal comments on the draft offshore act

The draft law on offshore wind energy is almost finished, but the office of the Minister for …


Amendments to the offshore act were introduced

A draft act on promoting electricity generation in offshore wind farms was sent to the Legal Affairs …


Amendment of the Act – Energy Law at the stage of the Legal Committee

The draft act amending the Act – Energy Law and certain other acts (list UC 17) has …


The Polish request for consultations on the greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030 has been considered

The discussion on climate change at the EU summit in Brussels lasted about an hour on Thursday. …


Forecast of wholesale electricity prices in Poland

Moody’s forecasts that wholesale electricity prices in Poland will move in the range of PLN 220-260 / …


The energy sector can contribute to the recovery of the economy

The European Commission has adopted a report on the state of the Energy Union in 2020 and …


The hydrogen law in the third quarter of 2021

Work is underway on the law on hydrogen law, coordinated by the government plenipotentiary for hydrogen economy, …


Another ACER consultation

This week, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launched consultations on several important areas …


The European Parliament has supported raising the target of reducing CO2 emissions to 60 percent

In a partial vote, the European Parliament backed the European Union’s binding target of reducing greenhouse gas …