The President of the Energy Regulatory Office announces the results of the second cogeneration bonus auction this year

On December 10-14, the second auction this year for a cogeneration bonus (Combined Heat and Power, CHP) …


Draft act on the abolition of the stock exchange obligation from the list of legislative works

The draft act on the abolition of the exchange obligation was included in the list of legislative …


Sejm passed the offshore draft act

Today, on December 17, 2020, the Sejm has passed the governmental bill on promoting electricity generation in …


Draft regulation on the adoption of a sea plan in the work list of the Council of Ministers

The draft regulation of the Council of Ministers on the adoption of a spatial development plan for …


Auction results for PV and wind > 1 MW

On the website of the Energy Regulatory Office, the results of the auction for the sale of …


AREOPAG Renewable Energy Conference 2020

Conference entitled AREOPAG Renewable Energy 2020 is the third edition of the event, which, according to the …


Final of the Just Transition Fund negotiations

Prof. Jerzy Buzek, rapporteur for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament on …


The draft amendment to the energy law was sent to the Parliamentary Committee on Energy, Climate and Assets

During the first reading, which took place on Wednesday during the Sejm session, all clubs voted in …


The Ministry of Climate and Environment is developing a system of hybrid renewable power plants

The Ministry of Climate and Environment is working on a system of hybrid renewable power plants. According …


Update of the draft regulation on auction volumes in 2021

The Government Legislation Center published an updated draft regulation of the Council of Ministers on the maximum …


November: a large drop in electricity imports with an increase in production and a decrease in consumption

Data from ENTSO-E show that in November electricity consumption in Poland amounted to 14.548 TWh, which compared …


5th anniversary of granting the Polish Power Exchange the NEMO status

On December 2, 2015, Polish Power Exchange was awarded the NEMO status for the Polish price area …