TGE – summary of operations in February 2021

In February this year, the volume of trading on the intraday gas market amounted to 862,880 MWh, …


A draft of changes regarding the use of the Modernization Fund was adopted

On Wednesday, a draft amendment to the Act on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system was …


MRPiT: the amendment to the investment act may be submitted to the Sejm by the middle of this year.

In the changes to regulations concerning wind farms prepared by the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, …


Amendment of the RES Act and the Energy Law Act in the list of works of the Council of Ministers

According to the list of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of …


WindEurope has published a report on wind energy

The European trade association WindEurope has published a report on wind energy that includes data on both …


April 15 this year. the deadline for submitting an application to the Settlement Administrator regarding the guaranteed premium for cogeneration expires

Producers wishing to obtain support for the period from January 1, 2019, should by April 15 this …


New edition of the Mój Prąd program – possible announcement of recruitment by mid-2021.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has not yet released official information on the assumptions of the …


An amendment to the acts on the provision of information on the environment and its protection, public participation in environmental protection and on environmental impact assessments was adopted

On Thursday, February 25, the Sejm adopted an amendment to the acts on the provision of information …


The position of the Stowarzyszenie Energii Odnawialnej on the maximum price

Dear Mr. Minister, Acting on behalf of the Renewable Energy Association, with reference to the letter of …


Draft regulation on the reference price in auctions in 2021

On the website of the Government Legislation Center, today, on February 26, 2021, a draft regulation of …


URE and entrepreneurs buying electricity off the grid

On his website, the President of the ERO published information in which he pointed out that some …


ACER and CEER have published a document relating to hydrogen networks and hydrogen transport

On February 9, 2021, European energy regulators within ACER and CEER published the first in a series …