Auctions for the sale of electricity from RES in the first half of 2021

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has published a communication in which it informs that this year’s …


ERO published the average price of electricity for household consumers in 2020

In 2020, the average price of electricity for a household consumer amounted to PLN 0.5374 net / …


Five companies are applying for support for eight offshore projects

As announced on Thursday by the Energy Regulatory Office, five entities are applying for support for a …


The “distance act” draft is ready

Deputy Minister Kornecka announced that the project of the so-called of the distance act is ready and …


Maritime plan published

On Thursday, a draft resolution of the Council of Ministers on the adoption of a spatial development …


An ordinance on the maximum price for electricity generated in an offshore wind farm in the Journal of Laws

On March 30, 2021, the Minister of Climate and Environment signed an ordinance on the maximum price …


Acciona and SSE Renewables sign a contract for the development of offshore wind energy

ACCIONA and SSE RENEWABLES, part of the UK-listed FTSE company SSE Plc, have signed an exclusive contract …


The HYDROGIN project, i.e. a Polish two-way installation for hydrogen production

HYDROGIN is a Polish project of a two-way hydrogen production installation. It enables the production of hydrogen …


A clear increase in the PPA contract market for energy from photovoltaics

The RE-Source association, promoting investments in renewable energy sources on the basis of commercial PPAs (Power Purchase …


The Port of Gdynia will probably become an installation terminal for offshore wind farms

The government plans to pass a resolution recognizing the Port of Gdynia as an installation terminal for …


The RES target for 2030 will be increased

The RE DII Directive contains provisions that are to lead to the achievement of the EU target …


Stanowisko Stowarzyszenia ws. projektu rozporządzenia dotyczącego ceny referencyjnej

Stanowisko Stowarzyszenia Energii Odnawialnej dotyczące projektu rozporządzenia Ministra Klimatu i Środowiska w sprawie ceny referencyjnej energii elektrycznej …