Podpisanie umowy sektorowej offshore być może w drugiej połowie sierpnia br.

According to Ireneusz Zyska, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, the sectoral agreement on the development of …


The Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology has prepared a proposal for a reform of the pro-consumer energy support system

According to Anna Kornecka, deputy minister at the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, the ministry has …


Amendment to the Energy Law Act – there will be new solutions regarding energy aggregators

The head of the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, Michał Kurtyka, announced that new solutions regarding …


On July 1, recruitment for the third edition of the My Current program will start

From July 1, 2021 to December 20, 2021, you will be able to apply for subsidies under …


Draft amendment to the Energy Law – the discount system will disappear from next year

The Ministry of Climate has proposed to change the rules for billing energy consumers who install photovoltaics …


ERO: One connection point, two installations. Investors have doubts

An answer to the question about the expansion of the existing installation with another installation connected in …


The EC proposes to allow member states to subsidize up to 100% of the value of renewable energy projects

The European Commission proposes to amend the state aid guidelines to allow EU countries to subsidize up …


Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology: The amendment to the distance act should be submitted to the Sejm in September or October this year

According to the Deputy Minister of Development, Labor and Technology Anna Kornecka, the draft amendment to the …


The President of the Energy Regulatory Office analyzed the investment plans of electricity producers until 2034

An analysis of the data of the President of the ERO on investment plans for new generation …


Regulation on the adoption of a sea plan in the Journal of Laws

On May 21, 2021, the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of April 14, 2021 on the …


Draft ordinance on detailed requirements for elements of the offshore power evacuation complex

Today, on May 21, 2021, a draft regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on detailed …


The draft amendment to the RES Act returns to the committee after the second reading

Due to the submission of amendments to the Sejm on May 19 in the second reading of …