Zyska: End date of the so-called the discounting is not yet final

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Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska informed that the date of the implementation of the draft law abolishing the favorable billing system for electricity surpluses for people who will invest in home photovoltaics after 2021 (i.e. January 1, 2022) is not yet final. According to the deputy minister, the legislative process in Poland often lasts more than one year, therefore no attention should be paid to the falling dates.

Currently, the discount system is based on the fact that the prosumer returns unused energy to the grid, which was produced by a photovoltaic installation, and then up to 80% of it can be collected at another time, e.g. in winter.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment proposes to replace the discount system with a new billing mechanism for prosumers who will enter the market from 2022. The new rules assume that the prosumer will sell unused energy on the market and buy the necessary energy when the production from panels turns out to be insufficient. However, the purchase price of energy will be much higher than the sale of electricity surplus, which will significantly reduce the profitability of investments in home photovoltaics. For people who already use solar panels, the billing system will remain unchanged.

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