Success of offshore workshops with potential PGE contractors – a record number of participants

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On Friday, June 18, information workshops were organized by PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna for suppliers of products and services interested in cooperation in the construction of offshore wind farms. The workshop was attended by representatives of PGE, PGE Baltica, and the Danish company Orsted. The event gathered nearly 500 companies, of which over 400 were domestic companies.

During the workshops, participants could, among other things, learn about the schedule of PGE’s investments in offshore wind farms, the scope of the work being carried out or the port infrastructure development plans. PGE’s purchasing portal was also presented to help potential contractors participate in tenders organized by this company, as well as examples of building a local supply chain by Orsted (PGE’s Danish partner). It was also possible to enter the database of potential PGE suppliers.

PGE is planning further meetings with potential contractors from the offshore wind energy industry to keep them informed and encourage them to participate in the offshore project. The company will publish information on ongoing investment and purchasing processes aimed at the market on an ongoing basis, and will ensure open access to participation in these processes by any interested contractor.

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