The Senate supported the amendment to the Energy Law

  • Reading time:1 mins read

On Thursday, May 14, 2021, the Senate supported the amendment to the Energy Law. Before the vote, 23 amendments of a (mainly) editorial nature were introduced. They were voted in the voting block – 100 senators voted for it, and 100 voted to pass the resolution in its entirety.

The amendment to the Energy Law provides for the creation of CSIRE, i.e. the central energy market information system. Its operator (OIRE) will be PSE – the operator of the electricity transmission system. The act indicates what data can be collected and shared.

In addition, the amendment contains a schedule for the installation of remote reading meters by the electricity distribution system operators (DSOs), the so-called intelligent. By the end of 2023, they are to be installed by 15% of the recipients of a given DSO. In 2025 it is to be 35%, at the end of 2027 – at least 65%, and in 2028 – 80%.

The amendment to the act implements European regulations related to cross-border transmission capacities and, inter alia, definition of an energy market participant. It can be any recipient, including the one without legal personality.

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