The Senate did not make any amendments during the second reading of the draft on compensation for municipalities for changing the taxation of windmills

  • Reading time:1 mins read

During the meeting on Thursday, the Senate did not amend the draft, which provides for the payment of compensation to municipalities for the income lost in 2018 resulting from the change in taxation of structures included in wind farms. The draft will now be voted on by the entire chamber.

The Senate project provides for the payment of a one-off compensation for lost income, which will be done from the state budget. According to the Regulatory Impact Assessment, the Senate estimates this amount at around PLN 600 million, while the government estimates this at around PLN 280 million, but only half of 2018 is taken into account, i.e. the period in which the retroactive provisions were repealed.

The act would enter into force on February 5, 2022. The interested communes will be given 3 months to submit relevant applications and 14 days for their possible correction.

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