The government is preparing facilities for wind micro-installations

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The government will deal with changes to the Building Law, which will include simplify the process of prosumers’ investments in wind micro-installations. This is the premise of the draft act amending the Construction Law, which is to be developed by the Ministry of Development and Technology and which has been assigned the number UD427.

As follows from the information provided by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, in the draft amendment, the preparation of which will be dealt with by the government, it will be proposed to extend the catalog of investments (construction sites) that do not require a building permit, but only applications, as well as the directory of investments (construction sites) that do not require a decision. on the building permit, or notification.

The construction parts of a free-standing wind farm with a total height of more than 3 meters and not more than 12 meters and the power of which does not exceed the power of the micro-installation (50 kW) and its distance location from the boundaries of the plot is not less than its total height.

At the same time, the government wants such investments to require the preparation of a situational plan and an architectural and construction design at the stage of notification, and at the stage of commencement of construction works – to prepare a technical design and ensure the participation of the construction manager.