Development of RES in state legal entities

  • Reading time:2 mins read

As we informed earlier, on March 9, 2023, the first reading of the Government draft act on the preparation and implementation of investments in the field of pumped-storage power plants and accompanying investments took place.

The draft mainly concerns the simplification and improvement of administrative procedures related to the preparation and implementation of investments in the field of pumped-storage power plants (ESP) and accompanying investments. At the final stage of work, the draft was supplemented with provisions providing for the exclusion of the obligation to transfer a write-down to the Fund in relation to electricity producers in renewable energy installations that are owned, managed or used by a state legal person. In the case of already transferred contributions to the Fund by the referred entities, the Settlement Manager is obliged to return the funds.

The Association’s position on the above changes is available here.

The latest article on describes the activity of the cited entities in the area of development of renewable energy sources installations.