Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the types of programmes and projects to be implemented within the National Green Investment System

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The following types of programmes and projects in the area are defined:
1) improve energy efficiency in various sectors of the economy, including
– construction or reconstruction of district heating systems in order to improve energy management and development of district heating systems by connecting new customers,
– construction of installations and modernisation of production and technological processes, consisting in particular of replacement of drives with energy-efficient ones,
– Energy recovery in industrial processes
– reconstruction of transmission and distribution power networks,

2) improvement of coal utilisation efficiency, including related to clean coal technologies:
– construction or conversion of combustion plants to implement best available techniques,
– construction or modernisation of air protection installations in combustion installations,
– for projects relating to the development of conventional technologies: modernisation of existing combustion installations to comply with stricter emission standards or to improve their energy efficiency, – construction or conversion of cogeneration installations to increase generation efficiency,

3) conversion of the fuel used into low-carbon fuel:
– conversion of used motor fuels into low-carbon fuels in sectors other than transport,
– conversion of non-engine fuels into low-carbon fuels in sectors other than transport

4) avoid or reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector: – replacement of engines burning diesel or petrol by natural gas, LPG, hybrid, electric and liquid biofuel engines,
– the use of energy-efficient drives in public transport systems,

5) avoiding or reducing methane emissions by its recovery and use in the extractive industry, waste and wastewater management and agricultural management, as well as its use for energy production:
– construction or conversion of a biogas or agricultural biogas production installation to feed into a gas distribution network or convert it into electricity or heat,

6) educational activities, including training to help meet national commitments under international climate change regulations

Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the types of programmes and projects to be implemented within the National Green Investment System