The draft act on the Energy Transformation Fund will probably be adopted in the fourth quarter of this year

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The Ministry of Climate and Environment is preparing an amendment to the Environmental Protection Law and the Act on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system. Its goal is to establish the Energy Transformation Fund. According to the list of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers, the government would adopt the draft in the fourth quarter of this year.

The FTE special purpose fund will apply in the years 2022–2030. It will consist of revenues from the sale of 40% of the pool of emission allowances. According to the assumptions, the fund will support projects or tasks aimed at modernization, diversification or sustainable transformation of the energy sector.

The minister responsible for energy will be the administrator of the Energy Transformation Fund, who will be responsible for the development of the support directions plan and its possible update. FTE programs and tools will be subject to obligatory approval by the minister responsible for energy.

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