Poland wants to build a new zero-emission energy system

  • Reading time:1 mins read

During a conference organized by Central Europe Energy Partners (CEEP) and the Directorate General of the European Commission for Energy, Deputy Minister of Climate Adam Guibourge-Czetwertyński announced that within two decades Poland wants to build a new, zero-emission energy system. As he emphasized, this system will be based on two pillars. The first is to be nuclear energy from six reactors with a capacity of 6-9 GW, which would be launched in 2033. The second – renewable energy sources. Offshore wind energy is to be in the center of this area. The goal is 8-11 GW of installed capacity by 2040.

The Deputy Minister admitted that it would be a huge challenge not only due to the size of the investment, but also logistics. He noted, however, that Poland considers this path to be the most cost-effective for the transformation of the Polish energy system towards zero emissions. In addition, as he explained, especially in the current time of crisis, Poland in the areas of the economy related to renewable energy sources in the context of creating new jobs.

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