The capacity fee rates and the RES fee were announced

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The Energy Regulatory Office announced the rates of the capacity fee and the RES fee, which will be added to customers’ bills in 2021. The capacity fee will appear for the first time – it is to finance the costs of subsidies, mainly for state-owned energy companies, for keeping the power plant ready to deliver certain capacities. When calculating its amount, the regulator takes into account the results of the main auction and additional auctions for 2021, i.e. the value of capacity contracts concluded as part of the auction for 2021 and the costs of the system operator – the state-owned company Zarzadcy Rozliczen S.A.

For households, the power fee will be a monthly rate, and its amount will depend on the annual electricity consumption and payable per consumption point. In the case of electricity consumption below 500 kWh, the power fee will be PLN 1.87. For consumption from 500 kWh to 1,200 kWh of electricity – PLN 4.48; for consumption above 1,200 kWh up to 2,800 kWh of electricity – PLN 7.47; for consumption over 2800 kWh of electricity – PLN 10.46.

The fee for other groups of recipients will depend on the amount of electricity taken from the network at selected hours during the day (on working days from 7:00 to 21:00) and will amount to PLN 0.0762 / kWh. The RES fee, which has been zero for the last three years, will amount to PLN 2.20 / MWh in 2021.

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