From January, changes in the balancing market

  • Reading time:2 mins read

On December 1, the President of ERO approved the changes to the balancing rules on the electricity market submitted by PSE, which was necessary due to new regulations, mainly Community law. The rules will enter into force in January 2021 and they are the first stage of implementing changes to the balancing market, which were set out in the Polish Implementation Plan.

According to the document approved by the regulator, the main changes on the balancing market will include, inter alia, enabling the active participation in the Balancing Market (RB) of resources other than Centrally Dispatched Generation Units (CDU), including participants on the demand side. In addition, a dedicated solution will be implemented enabling the active participation of electricity storage and pumped-storage power plants in the balancing market, as well as the possibility of updating the Balancing Offers and Load Reduction Offers within the Intra-Day Balancing Market (RBB). Additionally, there will be changes in the catalog of system services acquired by the transmission system operator (TSO) and in the principles of pricing and billing, generation and reduction imposed on the balancing market.

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