Amendment to the Energy Law Act – there will be new solutions regarding energy aggregators

  • Reading time:2 mins read

The head of the Ministry of Climate and the Environment, Michał Kurtyka, announced that new solutions regarding energy aggregators will appear as part of the currently prepared amendment to the Energy Law. It is a new entity on the market that will act on behalf of a larger group of recipients, offering them better conditions for participation in the energy market. As the minister added, aggregators will also be able to invest in their own storage capacities, thanks to which they will be able to mitigate peak energy consumption, which will relieve the network.

In addition, the ministry wants to open a discussion on new solutions for a direct line connecting the energy producer and the consumer. The head of the ministry said that new proposals in this regard had been sent to public consultations. In addition, he informed that the changes in the power sector will be supplemented by the introduction of modifications to the act on electromobility, which is to drive electrification of transport. A development strategy for the heating sector will also be implemented, the aim of which will be to accelerate the transformation of the sector. In the near future, the rules for the operation of the capacity market will also change – to supporting low-emission sources.

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