The European Commission is designing a new RES support auction mechanism

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According to the website, the European Commission implements new ideas on how to increase the scale of investments in renewable energy sources so that they contribute to the achievement of new, more ambitious goals of the EU climate policy. One of such ideas is a new type of auction. Entities interested in participating in the new auction model may only apply until mid-March.

The European Commission has a new idea for auctions for renewable energy sources that go beyond the borders of one country. In line with the provisions of Article 33 of the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union (2018/1999), Brussels is preparing a system of auctions, which will be developed by a larger number of Member States.

The new concept of the auction assumes that EU countries that decide to organize the auction will be able to achieve their RES targets at a lower cost – thanks to investments in countries that ensure lower costs of renewable energy production.