Koalicja Obywatelska proposes to modify the 10h rule and the prosumer system

  • Reading time:2 mins read

Koalicja Obywatelska has submitted a bill to the Sejm, the purpose of which is to unblock investments in onshore wind farms, as well as delay the implementation of changes in the rules of prosumers’ settlements, which, according to the applicable law, are to enter into force on April 1.

The regulations proposed by the Civic Coalition assume that instead of the so-called 10H, the distances of wind farms from houses and protected facilities should be decided by municipalities – with a minimum distance of 500 meters.

At the same time, a provision was proposed according to which the wind farm could be located at a greater distance from the residential building, if it would result from the environmental impact forecast prepared for the draft local plan. This also applies to the construction of new houses in the vicinity of already existing wind farms.

The draft amendment to the act on investments in wind farms proposed by the members of the Committee of Committee of the Committee assumes that the construction of new wind turbines will be possible only on the basis of a local plan adopted in the commune. At the same time, it was proposed to delete the voivode as the body having influence on the designation of places where wind farm investments would be possible.

The bill prepared by the members of the Koalicja Obywatelska also provides for the extension of the current support system for prosumers until January 1, 2024.

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