I reading the government’s bill amending the Spatial Planning Act

  • Reading time:2 mins read

On April 11, 2023, the first reading of the government draft act amending the act on spatial planning and development and certain other acts was held in the Sejm (Sejm Paper No. 3097).

The report of the subcommittee meeting is available here.

The second reading of the bill will take place at the next plenary session of the Sejm, which is scheduled for 24-26 May 2023.

As part of the draft amendment, the government proposes to replace the study with a general plan that will cover the entire commune. On its basis, it will be possible to adopt local plans and issue conditions for development and land development.

From 2026, each commune will have to have a commune development strategy, which will include the directions of local policy, including spatial policy. The guidelines contained in the strategy will be translated and specified in specific regulations in the general plan. The provisions of the general plan will be the basis for adopting local plans and issuing decisions on development conditions.

The spatial planning system will be supplemented with a new type of local spatial development plan – an integrated investment plan, adopted at the investor’s request.

The government also proposes that the building and development conditions (decyzje “WZ”) expire after five years.

More at Prawo.pl