Gowin: Another 3-4 GW of onshore wind capacity will be operational by 2025 as a result of the liberalization of the so-called the distance act

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In an article published in Business Insider, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, Labor and Technology Jarosław Gowin declared that the government, after auctions held in 2018-2020, wants to launch the potential of another 3 – 4 GW of installed wind power on land by 2025. The above is to be made possible by modifying the location restrictions for the development of onshore wind energy so that decisions on possible deviations from the 10h rule are made within the local planning authorities. At the same time, he emphasized that it would be necessary to maintain an absolute minimum distance guaranteeing safety – 500 meters.

What results are expected? After another “boom” of wind farms built on the basis of the 2018-2020 auctions, when another 3W of wind capacity will be built, we would like to launch the potential of another 3-4 GW by 2025. However, it is extremely important that these projects do not arouse local conflicts and were built in accordance with the principles of social coexistence.

Finally, it is worth noting that when building wind farms, the value of the national component already exceeds 50%, so their construction also means jobs and tax revenues. However, most of all, it is the construction of a new energy model, cleaner air and counteracting climate change.

Earlier, Minister Jarosław Gowin informed that the draft act amending the act on investments in wind farms, modifying the “10h” criterion, is awaiting entry into the List of legislative and program works of the Council of Ministers.