Norwegian Funds – extension of the time to submit an application

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Investors wishing to obtain subsidies from the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program under the third edition of the Norwegian and EEA Funds in Poland will have more time to submit applications. Co-financing from this program can be allocated, among others for investments in renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency.

Local governments, entrepreneurs, scientific institutions and non-governmental organizations can apply for funding under the third edition of the Norwegian and EEA Funds from the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program in Poland.

Depending on the program area, the co-financing rate ranges from 45%. up to 100% From 164 million euros to mitigate and combat climate change, 140 million euros are funds from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM). The funds will be allocated to the implementation of projects in three areas: renewable energy and energy efficiency; mitigating climate change and limiting exposure to such changes as well as the environment and ecosystems.

The first calls for projects started at the beginning of last month and are run by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Co-financing will be awarded in the form of a grant. On the other hand, in the case of energy-related projects, additional funds in the amount of PLN 500 million will be made available by the NFOŚiGW. Supplementary funding from the NFEPWM will be available in the form of preferential loans enabling coverage of the difference between the grant obtained from Norwegian funds, and even 100%. eligible costs of the project.

One of the three thematic areas in which calls for proposals for subsidies will be launched is the area “Renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security”. Subsidies in the total amount of PLN 423 million are available for distribution. On the other hand, the total value of co-financing in the other two areas – “Environment and ecosystems” and “Mitigating climate change and adaptation to their effects” – amounts to almost PLN 160 million in total.

In the area of ​​”Renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security” there are three calls for proposals for co-financing in the following activities. Now the Ministry of Climate, which is subject to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, has decided to extend the deadlines for submitting applications.

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