• Reading time:3 mins read

On April 7 this year the Sejm received a Government bill on special support instruments in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. On the same day, during the sitting of the Sejm, the first reading took place.

The project concerns the introduction of several dozen solutions ensuring counteracting negative socio-economic effects as well as regulations supporting particular social groups in the face of epidemics.

April 8 this year the second and third reading of the bill took place. After voting, the draft was adopted. According to information provided by the Sejm, work on the bill has not yet been completed.

Current project status

According to the draft of the act:

Amendments to the Act of 20 February 2015 on renewable energy sources. The proposed amendment in the area is key from the point of view of investment in renewable energy sources. The extension of the grid connection agreements where the deadline for the first supply of electricity to the grid falls before 30 June 2022 is necessary for the further implementation of investments that won the auctions in 2018 and 2019 and which are implemented outside the system auction

The proposed changes concern, among others

  • Extension by 12 months of periods up to which network connection agreements can be extended, in accordance with art. 184d paragraph 1 of the RES Act
  • Article 49 of the draft presents the proposed changes to the Act on renewable energy of 2015.
  • Article 80 refers to auctions announced, organized and conducted by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office

In the justification for the proposed changes we read :

The introduction of the provision in the proposed wording gives investors greater certainty as to the possibility of implementing their investments by limiting the risk associated with connecting these installations to the network. The above is also relevant in the context of the possibility of financing this type of projects by financing institutions for which the proposed solution reduces the risk in the investment process.