The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will allocate EU funds to projects in the field of effective heat and cooling distribution

There is 100 million PLN available for distribution. Half of this budget will be consumed by investments which are implemented in the area of medium cities, medium cities losing their…

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Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the types of programmes and projects to be implemented within the National Green Investment System

The following types of programmes and projects in the area are defined: 1) improve energy efficiency in various sectors of the economy, including - construction or reconstruction of district heating…

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Commission approves €385 million support for production of electricity from renewable sources in Lithuania

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources in Lithuania. The measure, open to all types of renewable…

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Commission approves €54 million support for a waste-to-energy highly efficient cogeneration plant in Poland

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, Polish plans to support the construction of a highly efficient waste-to-energy cogeneration plant located in Olsztyn. The beneficiary of the…

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