ERO: energy from RES micro-installations introduced to the distribution network in 2018

The President of the Energy Regulatory Office published a summary report on electricity generated from a renewable …


Climate policy is under discussion in the European Union

The EU is discussing climate policy until 2050, the results will be announced on 21 March. The …


Auctions for wind farms without subsidies

Acceptance of bids in the next Dutch offshore auction will last until 14 March. After the closure …


Microsoft will buy energy from EDPR

EDP Renewables (EDPR), one of the world’s largest wind energy producers, through its US subsidiary EDP Renewables …


Vice President of SEO: Changes in the energy sector are necessary

Włodzimierz Ehrenhalt, Vice President of the Renewable Energy Association, expressed his conviction that coal-fired power generation, which …


Improvement of legislation on hydroelectric power plants

The European Commission has called on 8 countries (Austria, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the …


Application for exclusion of biomass from RES

The Court of Justice of the European Union has received an application to exclude wood biomass as …


SEO position on RES Act draft amendment

Position of the Renewable Energy Association on the draft act on amending the act on renewable energy …


EU Energy Ministers divided on the climate strategy

At the end of November 2018, the European Commission presented a plan assuming that by the middle …


NCBiR: support for innovative projects

The largest source of financing R&D projects addressed to entrepreneurs is the Intelligent Development Operational Programme, under …


Inaugural meeting of the inter-ministerial working group for cogeneration and integration of district heating systems

Among the participants of the meeting held on March 6 2019, chaired by Minister Jerzy Kwieciński, there …


Energy Regulatory Office has published a list of Polish renewable energy sources

On the website of the Energy Regulatory Office, a list of renewable energy installations has been published …