The Energy Regulatory Office has published a bulletin on investment plans for 2018-2032

In the current issue of the Energy Regulatory Office Bulletin we publish a report on investment plans …


Minister Emilewicz: W tym roku można się spodziewać uruchomienia instalacji prosumenckich o łącznej mocy ok. 200 MW

Podczas konferencji dotyczącej energetyki rozproszonej w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie, Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz poruszała tematy energetyki w …


Minister Tobiszowski: dispersed energy industry with a significant addition to the energy mix in Poland

Deputy Minister Tobiszowski took part in the 1st Forum of Distributed Energy „How to release local energy?” …


ME: no changes in the green certificate system

The Ministry of Energy withdrew from the proposed changes in the green certificate system concerning the modification …


Włodzimierz Ehrenhalt: „For the time being, the million electric cars on Polish roads by 2025 are impossible to achieve”

Starting joint production of electric cars would be very beneficial, and the cooperation could start with Fiat …


New procedures for connecting generation units to the grid

The new rules will be discussed during an information meeting on the implementation of the grid code …


Winter package: regulations for consumers and prosumers, less subsidies for coal

26 March Members of the European Parliament voted on regulations aimed at strengthening the position of energy …


Announcement of the largest wind farm in Europe

Norwegians report the construction of a wind park with a total capacity of 2. 5 times the …


Own power grid in the Polish city

Today in Ostrów Wielkopolski the construction of the municipal power system has started, which will be transmitted …


Polskie Sieci Energetyczne issued the First Impact Report

„Direct added value generated by PSE in the generation and transmission of electricity in 2017 amounted to …


Minister Tobiszowski: we want to present the energy policy until 2040 at the May congress in Katowice

Deputy Minister Tobiszowski took part in the meeting of the council of the Katowice congress. He speaks …


Minister Emilewicz: Polish energy mix in need of change

At yesterday’s conference, organized by PGE in Krynica Zdrój, the topics of innovation in the power industry, …