ME communication on dialogue with the EC regarding energy prices

On 29 May this year, the European Commission will present its proposal to the European Parliament and …


MIiR: thermomodernisation Act draft amendment

The Ministry of Investment and Development published a draft amendment to the law on supporting thermo-modernization and …


EC: national energy and climate plans assesment in June

The official assessment of national plans for energy and climate, which European Union countries sent to the …


Analysis of wind projects ready for implementation in the auction system

On 28 May this year the Institute for Renewable Energy published a report Analysis of wind projects …


Final conference in the framework of the development of a draft Maritime Plan

The Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia, acting on behalf of the Directors of Maritime Offices …


Report on the activities of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office in 2018

On 23 May 2019, the website of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) published the „Report on the …


Draft amendment to the RES Act next week at the Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers

„This week, the draft amendments to the bill were amended to cover two very important issues, including …


BGK decides to make new investments in RES

Dnia 23 maja br. w głównej siedzibie Banku Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) odbyła się konferencja prasowa Gwarancje Biznesmax …


Innogy starts building a new wind farm

Żukowice Wind Park will be equipped with 11 33MW wind turbines manufactured by Nordex. The Żukowice wind …


Commission guidance on how to implement revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive provisions on building renovation

Commission guidance on how to implement revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive provisions on building renovation Recommendations …


The EU Council of Ministers adopted further legislation on the winter package

Today 22 May, the Council of ministers of the EU formally adopted four new pieces of EU …


PGE EO builds a farm outside the support system

PGE Energia Odnawialna, together with Grupa Azoty Siarkopol (GAS), signed an agreement for the construction of a …