New State Secretary for RES in the Ministry of Energy

The Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on 6 August 2019 appointed Krzysztof Kubow as the Secretary of State …


PKEE on a low-carbon strategy for the European Union by 2050

On 1 August this year, the Polish Electricity Committee (PKEE) published a press release on the European …


Implementation of obligations relating to the cancellation of certificates of origin

On 26 July 2019, the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) published a communiqué reminding the President of the …


Update of the register of renewable electricity producers in a small installation

On the website of the Energy Regulatory Office, on 31 July this year, a communiqué concerning the …


Scotland is closest to 100% renewable energy target

By 2030, the Scottish government plans to produce energy from renewable energy sources and thus reach the 50% …


Energy Storage Investments Boom As Battery Costs Halve in the Next Decade

BNEF’s Energy Storage Outlook 2019, published today, predicts a further halving of lithium-ion battery costs per kilowatt-hour …


The number of microinstallations to be connected is growing in Poland

According to the cire. pl portal, in the first half of this year PGE Dystrybucja connected another …


PEP 2040 will not be developed in this term of the Sejm

According to Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, the National Energy Policy until 2040 will not be developed before the …


The Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers adopted amendments to the construction law

On 31 July this year, the website of the Ministry of Investment and Development (MIiR) published a …


Senate adopted the RES Act amendment

The Senate in the plenary session on August 2, 2019 adopted the act amending the act on …


No amendments to the Act on Biocomponents and Electromobility

A meeting of the Commission for National Economy and Innovation was held on 30 July this year. …


Interpellations on the development of renewable energy sources

Minister Tchórzewski literally pointed out that none of the PEP2040 projects contains any declarations or formulations concerning …