France: prices in auctions for the sale of energy from renewable energy sources

In the last series of auctions for wind farms and solar farms conducted in France, the sale …


Lower VAT for home micro-installations

October 16 this year The Sejm adopted amendments to the Act amending the Act – Environmental Protection …


ERO announced the dates of the renewable energy auction

The Energy Regulatory Office published a communication in which it informs about the dates of this year’s …


ERO updated the RES auction regulations

In connection with the entry into force of the Act of 19 July 2019 amending the Act …


ERO: weighted average electricity prices on the wholesale market

In the Announcements section of the President of the ERO Informacja Prezesa URE nr 73/ 2019 was published, on …


PSE: the installed capacity of PV installations exceeded 1 GW

According to the data of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne, as at October 1, 2019, the installed capacity of …


Revision of the regulation on air quality standards

October 10 this year The Journal of Laws published the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment …


Draft regulation of the Council of Ministers regarding auction volumes in 2020

Ministry of Energy has begun consultations on a draft ordinance of the Council of Ministers regarding the …


Communication on the recommended value of avoided emissions in connection with the change in the mode of issuing guarantees of origin

Considering the change in the mode of issuing guarantees of origin introduced in accordance with the Act …


Implementing regulations of the Low Emission Transport Fund signed

On September 30, 2019, Minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski signed two executive regulations for the Low-Emission Transport Fund. The …


ME: draft ordinance on next year’s auctions for approval

According to, Director of the Renewable and Distributed Energy Department at the Ministry of Energy, Piotr …


Germany: distance criterion for wind energy

September 20 this year the German government has adopted the draft 2030 climate protection program (Klimaschutzprogramm 2030). The …