Coal mining decline in April 2020.

According to information provided by the Central Statistical Office – Hard coal production in Poland in April …


Joint application by the transmission system operators of Poland and the Baltic States for co-financing of the construction of energy infrastructure from CEF funds

According to the announcement issued by PSE: transmission system operators of the Baltic States and Poland submitted …


Platinum Megawatts competition for the media organized by TGE

According to the information provided by the Polish Power Exchange, applications for this year’s, 6th edition of …


Norwegian Funds – support for hydro and geothermal power plants

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced two successive calls for proposals from …


Implementation Plan for electricity market reforms

According to information provided by the Ministry of Climate on May 14, 2020, the Committee for European …


Consultations of the European Commission regarding changes to network codes

The Energy Regulatory Office issued a communication regarding the European Commission Consultation on changes in network codes. …


The rest of the online training devoted to the preparation of applications for the LIFE program

As the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management informs, further online training sessions for applicants …


Entry into force of the regulation setting reference prices for this year’s renewable energy auctions

The Energy Regulatory Office issued a communication regarding reference prices. They set the maximum price level for …


Draft ordinance of the Minister of Climate on cooperation between micro-installations and the power system

May 15 this year on the website of the Government Legislation Center a draft Regulation of the …


Draft ordinance of the Minister of Climate on settlements of energy cooperatives

May 15 this year on the website of the Government Legislation Center a draft Regulation of the …


Minister Kurtyka about grants from the EU LIFE Program

“In Poland, over 80 projects are already financed from the EU LIFE Program. Due to climate challenges, …


Share of renewable energy sources in heating

The Energy Forum in a report prepared jointly with the Institute for Renewable Energy says about how …